Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pity Party

I'm not going to lie to you. I've been in a serious victim mindset these past few days. I've felt all hard-done-by that not only do I have to deal with a wonky cervix and Global Television's 'How Many Times Can We Say Sexually Transmitted Virus In One Segment' contest, but now my creative process blog has turned into an HPV blog. Poor me.

Enough of that. Victims aren't sexy. You can quote me on that.

So, everybody out of the pity pool. It's time for a little gratitude. And a little game of Count Your Blessings. Because that's the quickest way out of the hole. And it's a good way to share the inspiration around.

Here's what rocks about having cervical dysplasia:
  • I have been given the opportunity to take responsibility for my health. This is the perfect excuse to stop eating crap and sitting on the couch. It is a swift kick in the backside to a healthier Mel.
  • I have been given an audience for this! My readers will inspire me to stay the course and use this as an opportunity to evolve.
  • I can give back to my faithful readers by sharing what I learn and by my honesty. Those who read this will know that they are not alone in their confusion and, hopefully, I can bring some new proactive ideas to help you get and stay healthy.
  • I get to focus on me. Finally. It's my turn for my full, undivided attention. Ahhhh.
  • I get to eat Rainbow Food! I get to make regular, non-Ironman-intensity exercise a habit again. My meditation and visualization practice has the opportunity to grow. I get to tune into my intuition and Inner Guidance System which never leads me astray.
  • All these things will help my creativity to flourish and grow. This is not necessarily a detour, it might just be another step on the path. In fact, I've already had ideas for two plays and a book.
  • Embracing this situation and making the absolute best of it will help me grow as a human being whether I 'cure' myself or not.
Boyfriend's mom sent me a sweet email the other day. She said if I didn't want to be the HPV poster girl, I should be the poster girl for getting through it all with spunk and panache. Hmm. Don't mind if I do.

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