Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 95 or Day 3 Depending on Who's Counting

I'm on Day 3 of the big 30-day Write Like The Wind challenge. So far, so good. Except for the meltdown on the morning of Day 1. But we all expected that didn't we? What's a Mel Jones Monday without one?

The key to disarming that was a combination of Boyfriend talking me off the ledge and me writing a Gratitude List. These bad boys are pretty self-explanatory (it's a LIST of what you're GRATEFUL for) and it's a very powerful tool. If you are in a negative, snarky, everything-sucks mood, a G.L. will switch your brain into Glass Half Full mode within five minutes.

I realized something last night. Or rather, I remembered it. The universe responds to the energy you give it. It doesn't look at you moping through your work, whining about word count and send a million-dollar publishing contract. No-ho-ho. BUT. If you knock back a cup of Glass Half Full mind and work your butt off all day, the universe rewards you. If you prove to the universe that you want this and are willing to do what it takes, THAT'S when doors begin to open and new opportunities start to show up.

That's kind of what this 30-day thing is all about. I know that when I frame my outlook in a certain way, using gratitude lists and morning pages and woo woo meditation tapes, good things happen. I feel happy, confident and on my own side. If I let those things slide in my life, I feel like I'm doggy paddling for breath.

Why do we let those things slide? I have no idea. Probably fear of ecstatic, blissful happiness with hundred dollar bills on top. You know, the usual.

Listen, Internet? I'm really hoping I don't slide into some month-long self-help monologue of mind-control and sickening positivity. If I do, you'll tell me, right? You'll write me friendly shut-the-hell-up emails and send little mailbox bombs. You'll prank call me at 2 a.m. and egg my car, right? Especially because it's cold now and the slime will freeze onto my windshield in an impervious frozen egg batter. You'd do that for a friend. Right?

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