Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pros n' Cons

So, my big plan has pluses and minuses. Like all plans probably. First, let's look at the upsides:

  • If I pull off all that mad writing I have planned, I will have amassed the kick-assiest body of work in the shortest amount of time I've ever heard of
  • I will have tons to pitch to agents, publishers, producers, rich patrons in search of artists to sponsor
  • I will have creative momentum already happening so I can hit the ground running in Paris (once the jet lag wears off)
  • I have set myself up for success with proposals, finished pieces and submissions in the works – as opposed to arriving on Paris' doorstep with five bucks and a poem I wrote in Grade Six
  • I will not have napalmed a relationship I'm not sure I want to napalm
  • I get to cross-country ski in the Canadian Rockies for at least part of the winter
  • I don't have to spend Christmas alone in a tiny, drafty flat crying into my microwaved turkey dinner, if they even have that in France
Now let's check in with those pesky downsides:

  • The sell-the-car-and-go-to-Paris-now plan didn't include the six months of living-in-Calgary expenses I now have to come up with STAT
  • Am I waiting until February for my boyfriend's benefit or because it's best for me?
  • Let me get this straight...I am planning to write a memoir, a novel, a play, a complete rewrite of my screenplay, some short pieces, plus submitting all of the above and learning French. In six months?! Ha.
  • Double con: selling my car now means schlepping to and from the 'burbs somehow, but not selling my car now means paying for gas for six months
And here's an inside look at my churning insides:

  • I still don't have a tenant for my effin' condo, so in T-minus two weeks, I'm on the hook for $1400 a month
  • That cheque I was waiting for? Yeah, still waiting

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