Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Letter to my (Second) Favourite City

Dear Portland,

I have two words for you: I. LoveyousomuchIcoulddie.

I have missed you, sweet Green City. You smell green. You do! Like an intoxicating mix of just-cut grass and dandelion. I could inhale you all day. I noticed that you dressed up for my arrival. All those pornographic flowers dripping off the trees. You hussy! (Keep doing what you're doing by the way. It's totally working for me.)

And God...the poetry on the train? I can't believe I forgot this about you. "I believe in myself slowly. It takes all my doubt. All my wonder." Swoon.

The neighbourhood you created for us is perfect. I feel like I'm in Kitsilano, except instead of an ocean of salt water, there is an ocean of vineyards. And instead of pot-smoking, patchouli-smelling hippies, there are endorphin-jacked, super fit athletes. The people you had meet us at the apartment were incredible. They had sunglass tans and the weathered faces of people who play outside a lot, y'know, running, biking, climbing Mt. Hood. They were so excited by the fact we were here! In Portland! The kick-assiest city in the world! (And the golden retriever was a nice touch.)

Although, what was with that ostentatious breakfast parfait thing from Milo's City Cafe? I mean granola, yogurt and berries is an annoyingly healthy choice, I agree. But this thing looked like a float from the Easter parade! Did you notice how half the restaurant stared as they brought it to our table? The umbrella was a bit much, don't you think? I mean, my breakfast looked like an ultra-healthy breakfast girlie drink. Honestly, I felt like Jessica Simpson. It was embarrassing. Delicious, but embarrassing.

Just going to grab a quick nap in our unbelievable apartment. Meet you at Wines on Broadway later for a pinot noir taste-o-rama? Aw yeah.

Love you,

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