Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 129: Welcome to the Freak Show

So, in Monday's post I kind of just casually skimmed over the fact that I'm acting right now, but...I'm acting.

Here's how it went down:
On Friday afternoon, as I was saying goodbye to my New Year's guests, one asked me what I was doing on my week off from writing. I told him I had no idea. Ten seconds later my phone went beep-beep. It was a text message from my friend Mark Hopkins saying something like: OMFG! I need an actor! STAT! And even though my friends had left, I said out loud, "Oh! That's what I'm doing next."

I think we can all agree it's appropriate the production is called Freak Show.

So I say yes and Mark says REALLY?! And I say yes again and then I think about Mark who went all-leather-S&M for Halloween and I started to wonder what I agreed to and if it would involve fishnet stockings and a ball-gag. But it involves me wearing a parka on the roof so that's fine and then we meet and he doesn't have a script. Because he's all laid back and under 30. And on the outside I'm hey-no-problem but on the inside I'm control freaky and crotchety because I'm an old broad who is resistant to change. So we write part of the script and then the next day, yesterday, Mark hires Wil and the three of us finish it.

Did I mention the show opens in two days? Mm hm. True.

And the part of me that made the New Year's Resolution about spending more time with humans is locked in mortal combat with the part of me that believes that people are a serious liability to a fairly satisfying hermetically sealed existence. And then there's the part of me that's saying, "Wow girl, you REALLY know how to screw up a week off."

But now I feel better because I've memorized my lines. So come see the show, m'kay?


Anonymous said...

you are such a busy bee...your blogs kill me! I would like to say however, although I know was said with tongue in cheek but you are by far not old or crotchety - maybe a little more A type them you would like to admit however... :) afterall you are an Iron(wo)man and in order to get through the training on this you have to have some A-type inside of you - so live with it my friend - embrase your A'ness - there is nothing wrong with you! I look forward too (as a side comment) to be the first (or at lest one of the first) to purchase the book that you have just finish first draft of - congrats again - you are always my hero!!

Mark Hopkins said...

Haha - yeah, it does all seem a bit insane when you write it down, doesn't it? Thank God I found two fabulous, self-sufficient performers and collaborators. You're going to rock it!