Humans are built for transformation, down to our cells. Every cell in my body is being continually replaced. I listened to one podcast the other day that likened it to a continual resurrection. We get a whole new liver in something like three months. Our skin is new every week. We are in constant transformation, but we spend most of the time completely oblivious to the processes going on within us. Oblivious and unappreciative, actually.
Most times when you look at your body it's to criticize it or tell it that it's getting old. You look at the saddlebags that weren't there five years ago. Or the grey hairs. The sagging bits. You scold your body for letting you down. And while you were watching daytime television and pinching that roll of flab, your bod just finished off a whole new spinal column. I bet our bodies sit there and think, 'You're welcome, jackass. What have you done for me lately?'
I bet God says the same thing. It's like that joke about the drowning man. A ship comes by and offers to help. He says, 'No thanks. God'll save me.' Another ship comes by and offers to help. 'No thanks. God'll save me.' Eventually, after passing up a third ship, he drowns. Up in heaven, he storms over to God and says, 'Why didn't you save me?' God says, 'I sent three ships to rescue you, what more do you want?'
We look at disease and aging and, oh say, violent mood swings as things that happen to us. But, there's a certain aspect of choice when it comes to this or any transformation. What are my cells re-creating themselves with? The raw materials I give them. Food, for example. You are what you eat, but not in a stupid Food Guide tag line way. In a really fundamental, energetic way. Thoughts are another energetic fuel. You are what you think, too.
Your cells are artists. You give them their supplies and they create. Same with your whole life – your relationships, your home, your job – it's an artwork of your creation.
I get to rebuild myself and my life every single day. In fact, that's my job: to create the lived experience I want. Lately, I've beeen building with too much stress. I've been screaming at suppliers and asking my team of worker bees to hustle, hustle, hustle! So. I've started making different choices. I've decided to get calm. To get grateful. To understand that all of this is a process and it's my job to trust it. To go inward for answers. To feed my body and mind the fuel it needs to heal and thrive. To add more love every single day. And to understand that things are happening for a reason and a purpose.
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