Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hi Internet. I've been avoiding you. Not really, but kind of. It's been an interesting week. I think I've been transitioning to some kind of next level, but like going through the birth canal, it's dark and narrow and airless and there's not a lot of time to chit-chat.

It's been one of those weeks when you can really see causal relationships – one thing is leading to another in a really clear, almost magical way. There have been several examples of this, but one was my sister coming to visit.

I have two sisters and the more we create our own lives, the more it becomes apparent that we are drastically different human beings. One has an ever-expanding wardrobe of brand-name fashions, brand-name appliances and brand-name cars, while the other breaks out in hives when she enters a mall parking lot. The uber-consumer and the anti-consumer.

The uber-consumer came to stay with me. She is a pediatrician and has embraced Western Medicine as The Truth. I have not. And the irony of me going through a medical experience and using non-traditional methods to heal myself with her IN MY HOUSE has not been lost on me.

I had a great internal debate about hiding my Girls Gone Raw lifestyle in the closet while she was here this weekend. I also had concerns that I'd be swayed by the presence of candy, chips and whatever comfort food time bombs they'd fill my home with. Temptation is a slippery slope especially when it's covered in chocolate sauce.

So I decided to be open about my new diet. I wasn't hard-line or militant – I just said I was trying to eat a metric ton of fruits and veggies every day. I think she expected a plate full of broccoli spears like I did at first. And lucky for me, it inspired curiosity, not suspicion. So, I prepared my sister and brother-in-law a pornographic raw dinner of zucchini pasta and a new mind-blowing marinara sauce, with the most delicious banana ice cream known to mankind for dessert. My sister's assessment? Raw rawks.

Rather than use my sister's visit as an excuse to eat chips and chocolate and descend into my lower self – the self that is driven by desire and ego and impulse – I used it as an opportunity to rise. I have eaten 100% raw for four days now and I have literally never felt better in my life. And now I'm wondering: had she not been here would I have gone 100%? Before this weekend I was sitting at 75%, still eating hormone-filled chicken breasts and nutritionless white rice. For some reason, she was the catalyst that took me to the next level – even though I assumed I would go downhill.

This past week has been filled with events and ideas that, at first blush, appear to be distractions, booby traps set to throw me off course and keep me from moving forward to my goals. I've had to really go inside myself, hunker down and get conscious about my decisions. But something is changing in me. And the impulse to sink down into avoidance is no longer cutting it. These so-called distractions are actually calls to rise. Crossroads giving me the option to lift myself up and keep moving forward.

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