Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 162.7: To The Victor Go The Abs

Being freelance for the last year and a half – and 'unemployed and crazy' for the past six months – has really decreased the thrill of a good, old fashioned Friday night. But tonight? I FEEL IT.

Because I did it. I got them all done.

If I wasn't so thoroughly exhausted I'd be grabbin' a six pack and hittin' 'er hard. But I'm an old broad and that would make me sleepy. And really, I hate beer in a can. Which is what I think when I think 'six pack.' Unless the context of the conversation includes Erik Dane. *Shudders with pleasure*

ADHD sidebar: FOX News runs a story (last August) on who has the best abs in Hollywood (David Beckham). But they show me NO ABS in the article. A picture of Becks' FACE?! I don't want to see his face. Help me help you FOX News. Gawd. I mean granted, the story was about a story from In Touch Weekly. *Blinks* On second thought, FOX News, you can't be helped.

Back to the brownies. Which is my version of a six pack.

Wait. I bet you're wondering where the FOX News diatribe came from. Well, when I thought about Erik Dane, I spontaneously Googled 'best abs in hollywood' and that's what came up.

So what if I'm shallow?! I've been thinking about depression for two weeks straight. A girl needs to CUT LOOSE.

Brownies and Becks. That's what I call cutting loose.

Oh hey, cool. Look what happens when you Google 'david beckham abs':

Um. Waitaminute. I'm not looking at his abs.

Are you looking at his abs?

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