Yesterday, I met a fellow Canadian at the airport. She's here to live a Parisian dream and she's filled with that OH MY GOD I'M IN PARIS excitement. The excitement that appears to have exited Stage Left in me.
While I waited for her to come through customs, I witnessed the single sexiest airport reunion of all time. He came through the sliding doors and enveloped his lover in an embrace. They held each other FOREVER and then kissed unashamedly passionately for ten minutes right in front of all of us waiting.
These people basically made love right there in Terminal 2B.
It was so awesome. So lovely and awesome and I WANT THAT.
Currently, my lover Paris and I are in a bit of a rut. We've settled into a pretty hum-drum routine where all I seem to notice is the dog shit, diseased pigeons and creeps selling contraband.
Don't get me wrong: I love her despite all her flaws. But we're deep in the Sweatpants Stage and, let's face it...I'm looking at other cities.
(I was on this porn site called Facebook where someone had posted all these nude photos of Barcelona. I was all over it and felt guilty afterward.)
But when I met up with Justine From Canada and she spent most of the Metro ride SWOONING over Paris and how this town is basically a menu of deliciousness and how she feels sexy and extraordinary just by BEING HERE...well. I was forced to confront my own apathy.
"You need to make Paris a mix-tape," he said.
YES, I said. I DO. Passion de Paris Make-Out Mix 2009? Here. I. Come.
1 comment:
That's why you were asking about those french songs, right?
Give these a try, guaranteed 100% pure french musical concentrate...
- fluctuat nec mergitur (floats but doesn't sink) you'll find in the chorus of this song is Paris's motto (what's the english for "devise"?)
- this one is appropriate for a mix tape I guess (and this version I find cool because of the odd 30 sec intro that reminds me of movies like Plan 9 from outer space and other cheesy ed wood classics)
Other than that, if I were to make Paris a mix-tape, I'd surely feel free to include many non-french tracks.
See you soon
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